About the ‘What Made It Better?’ campaign


In a respectme consultation of 127 young people and 122 professionals, the management of bullying incidents was found to be a ‘key area of concern’ within anti-bullying work.

The #WhatMadeItBetter campaign will provide a platform for children, young people and adults to share what helped them when they experienced bullying behaviour, to flag the things that didn’t help, and to discuss the things that could help in the future.

The campaign will run from November 2020 to July 2021. It will be delivered in 3 stages, with resources and information gathering spotlighting anti-bullying work in 3 physical environments:

  • Stage 1: Education Settings (November - January)

  • Stage 2: Youth Groups (February - April)

  • Stage 3: Sports Teams (May - July)

We will use the learning from each stage to create a series of 3 anti-bullying tip sheets - one for each settting.

Most importantly, the campaign will highlight the options available to young people, and will remind them that despite what they may be experiencing now, things can and will get better.

Our 2020/21 resources correlate to specific Health and Wellbeing outcomes listed in the Curriculum for Excellence, have been developed alongside the GIRFEC Values and Principles and UNCRC Charter of Children’s Rights.

If you are interested in sharing your anti-bullying work with respectme, please contact: enquire@respectme.org.uk


Stay connected

You can contribute to the campaign and share your anti-bullying stories, successes and lessons by emailing us at: enquire@respectme.org.uk.

All contributors can choose to be anonymous. No names or identifying details will be used or shared by respectme without prior consent.

Stay up to date with the #WhatMadeItBetter campaign by following us on Twitter and Facebook via the links below.
